Sunday, October 17, 2010

When There's Nothing Left to Burn, You Have to Set Yourself on Fire

Warning: This post is going to be very scatterbrained.

I've been in a creative mood lately, as far as writing goes. The one thing that always bugs me though is that everything I write, especially poetry-type pieces, turn out really dark. Almost disgustingly so... I need to work on that

Homecoming is soon, and i'm super excited to dance! :D

Piper recently wrote an amazing little post. I really wish I had her skill at writing, the words just flow together into this beautiful sentences and ideas. The first time I read it, to be honest, i got a little teary eyed (I rarely use this phrase. I dislike it, especially when used untruthfully orrrr... This is turning into a rant. haha. I'm also being hyper-critical. moving on).

Demi also wrote a wonderful little bit. Those two are like the dynamic duo, I can certainly see why they're best friends.

Tyler needs to blog more :P haha

First concert was today. It went pretty well! I love being in a huge orchestra playing great pieces, there's something special about it. We received our Costume Concert music today too, which we perform next tuesday. Yet again, A Night on Bald Mountain returns

There's a very useful site out there for checking answers to science or math things, or just looking up info! It's sooo helpful

I can never be asleep by the time I want to. Today, I said I'd be asleep by 1030. It's 11:45 now haha. I need to work on that

This post is going to stop now. Sorry for such randomness, i promise more consistency in the future. Until then!

1 comment:

Demi said...

Any post from you Sean is wonderful, no matter how scatter brained!
And I know what you mean about the poetry, mine is very dank. I think that is how I vent bad feelings.
Anywho, I think I am going to post one that I am quite proud of.

Love you Sean!
