Monday, October 11, 2010

Blank pages

Egg Sandwiches. That's the smell that currently dominates the room. It's becoming a frequent occurrence for my roommate to eat them, sometimes while watching the newest episode of the Jersey Shore.

My other roommate went to bed last night after 5am. He stayed up playing a game called Civilization 5 I think.... He didn't wake up until an hour or two ago.

Dorm life is interesting.

You find ways to get along with people that you would never be friends with in other situations. You also discover a large amount of people have some similar interests and can be great friends, despite large differences.

There's been quite a lot of drama this weekend around CWU. The most well known being the party in Roslyn that made the news on CNN. The university isn't telling us exactly what happened, but what i've picked up from news sources (although they've been claimed to have some false information) is that about 12 students were hospitalized and one was in critical condition as a result of bad drugs, specifically Roofies, that had not only been slipped into the alcohol, but the water as well. There are other claims of what was discovered by the police when they arrived, but I don't know how many of those to trust. The dorms across campus had meetings to warn everyone and relay the university's statements on the matter, although i'm sure some people won't listen. On another note, i'm not really sure why such large news stations as CNN decided to take notice. Sure, it's a big deal with drugs and underage drinking, but i've heard about plenty of them on other campuses that got out of hand. I guess they just got caught

Also this weekend, there was a carload of friends of mine who were going to a rave up in Seattle. On the way back to Central, at around 3:30 or 4am, their car hydroplaned on the freeway and crashed into a guardrail. Everyone in the car is fine now, only the one in the passenger seat was injured enough to need a blood transfusion and stitches. It was no fault of the driver's at all really. I guess it's just a warning to be careful driving over and back.

I'm starting to worry about the driving through the passes in a few weeks, as I'm not sure how bad they'll be this year. I hear Ellensburg is supposed to get more precipitation than they've had in a long while, and i'm not really sure how well equipped my car is to drive in snowy conditions. Let's just hope it holds off for another month or so!

I'm back next weekend for a few days! Mainly to pick up my tux for the concert on Sunday (yeah, they gave us less than three weeks), although there may be some other forces drawing me back... haha

I wish the best to those who care enough to read this! You're all brilliant


Lucy said...

I love your roommates, again. Sorry to hear all the bad news :/ Phase of the moon? Just make sure not to drive the pass at night, or at breakneck speed. Like my mother...

I HOPE you're feeling better! Which is unlikely since you didn't like an hour and a half ago. Remember - juice and tea :D

Miss Pip said...

Hey Sean,
We all miss you too! Some scary stuff going on, it seems like. Events like that make me feel so old. When people that are my contemporaries get hurt, I feel so mortal. Do you know what I mean?
Anyway, hope to see you soon and that you are doing well,
Miss Pip

Tyler said...

I am so sorry I dont check your blog often enough. You are much more important then my songwriting homework!

I can relate to your room mate thing. Its sort of how MPG is. You are stuck with the same group of kids for 3 years, and you start to become friends with kids you would never think you'd get along with. And they become bestfriends.

I cannot wait to see you this weekend. now more then ever. Ive had a wierd 2 weeks, and I need to see you! I hope that the passes hold back on the snow... :p

I adore you! Appreciate you! Love you!

-Tyler :)

Demi said...

This felt like a very informative and solemn post. I suppose those are requisite sometimes. I hope your doing well with your classes and everything, sounds like dorm life is interesting enough. I hope I get to see you this weekend. And the passes had better stay clear, because you've got a Sufjan concert, and a wedding to attend. If you know what I mean. ;)
Anyways... I miss you, and I hope to see you soon!
