Monday, November 14, 2011

This Autumn Mind

I thought I'd see your face by now. It's been so long, I hardly even remember it. Parts of you are still here though - the little freckle by your nose, the way your cheeks crumple when you smile, the way your eyes can pierce through a soul. Sometimes, I imagine that you're here next to me holding my hand, and it's almost like I can feel it. Like some piece of you has traveled all this way to me just to hold my hand while I cry at my favorite movie, and drift off to the whispers of Frank Sinatra and Julie London.

I still have those records you lent me, by the way. They're perched on the highest shelf, next to the feathers and flowers from so long ago. I've deemed it my shelf of remembrance. I catch myself quite often peering off into the distance beyond this little corner, caught in a stream of Nostalgia. Surely you remember those days - the ones filled with rose petals on water and stick races beneath the bridge. Those glorious days in the age of the Sun.

It's late autumn now, and those feeble leaves that cling so desperately to their branches are doomed to fall. I'm sure you're aware of this, being as perceptive as you are. We used to lay under such trees, watching the hours pass until the fateful moments when the leaves would let go and float down to their final resting place. I always knew I was one of those leaves.

We spend so much of our lives just passing time, in order to forget how fast time is passing. For now, the leaves are falling, and the trees are losing those most dear to them, and the world is going silent. But just wait a few moments. You'll find the sounds of life begin to return. You'll find the grass discover it's rich color. And you'll see the trees regain their lost friends.

I know I'll see your face soon. I'll see that little freckle, smile at your crumpling cheeks, and be pierced once again by those wondrous eyes. You see, i'm just getting caught up in this Autumn mind, and soon enough I'll discover the glory that rests in the depths of the mind of Spring. I'll feel the warmth of your hands once again, this I know for sure.

But for now, I'll settle for those moments of Nostalgia. They'll keep me warm while I wait.

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