Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Winter Madness

Winter is a time of stress.

For the High School seniors, it's time for college apps. Getting those letters of recommendation, finding the schools you like, figuring out what you want to do with your life, and (maybe hardest of all) writing your personal statement.

For the college sophomore who is applying to transfer, there's all of this plus a few extra essays and reports to send in, as well as current year classes to figure out. (How do I finish my basic requirements? Should I take overload credits to do photography or would that be suicide? And if I do take it, should I take the 8am math class to accommodate it, or let the two classes cut half an hour out of each other twice a week? Should I take the 183 level chemistry, even though I haven't been in chem for two years, or would that also be suicide? There's been more of these questions in the last few hours than I'd ever imagined were possible)

For those with seasonal depression, well.... they're not exactly happy about these coming months.

Then there's the burden of the consumer nature that Christmas has adopted, buying just the right gift for the right person, in some cases spending money you really shouldn't be spending. Maybe I'll be more creative this year...

It seems rather contradictory that such a seemingly calm season should be so hectic. The thought of slowly falling snow late at night, the soft chill of the winter breeze, bundling up in blankets and sweaters in a warm house, maybe even next to a fire. It's such a relaxing thought. And the music that I relate to winter (besides holiday music) has such a calming, quiet nature- the kind of song you might fall asleep to, or contemplate the world while listening to.

And yet, in reality there's people working hard, fretting about the future, and generally being driven insane by the world and christmas music. There are long shopping trips and worrying that you haven't gotten that person a gift yet. There's just general worrying!

So, I give you a task for this winter. During a time you're feeling especially stressed, or get caught up with tons work, or you're starting to go insane - Stop. Take a break and grab your iPod. Gear up in your warmest winter clothes. Put on the most peaceful playlist you may have ever created, and take a walk. Venture out into the world. Forget all your worries- forget even that you have an existence besides in that moment.

Let Winter take you away, if only for a little while.

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