Friday, January 25, 2013

Never Lovers Lost in the Sea

The wind whipped through the half-rolled window of the bronze jeep and wrestled his dark hair from its mold. As he drove down the overgrown road creatures of all sizes leapt from the brush that was shoved aside by the grumbling vehicle, this foreign being in the world of instincts. With reckless abandon, the beast and its inhabitants reformed the long forgotten road, a path to the edge of existence - the edge of thought and the edge of reason. When they set out on this journey, they searched for a place to get lost, though not physically. They sought a place to be lost in an absolute, lost in a nothingness. To forget about existence entirely.

This is the night they found what they were looking for.

The team alternated driving and resting, rarely settling down for long in any one location. To settle is to have found. So they slept on the road. Faith drove most often, though she was not the one to have discovered their location. It was Sane's Jeep they drove, but he was commonly found asleep in the back seat. In fact, Sane, Faith, and the third companion Rose were all asleep when the beast growled down the path. But the driver knew the way.

When the Jeep began to draw tracks in the sand, dusk was making its arrival. The creatures of day were settling into themselves for the night, while the darker unknowns hid just out of sight of prying eyes, always in the peripheral. They meant no harm. The passengers awoke as the beast shuddered to sleep, reluctant to settle into itself and see nothing to be found. Unlike the other creatures, this beast was alone.

Faith was the first to sink her toes into the sand. She walked a short distance away and sprawled herself on the cooling sand, her soft blonde hair reflecting the ideals of the sunset and her eyes closed to the world. Rose came and sat next to her, looking out over the sea and watching as the tide repeated its endless cycle, too timid to reach up to these new visitors and too interested to leave completely. Sane stood behind them, looking up at the changing sky, watching as the stars and the sun intermingled, destined to be acquainted but never lovers. The driver was the last from the vehicle. He left the keys in the ignition, and walked over to his friends, his strangers, his lovers. He let them be for a while, soaking in their existence, before saying with a smile

"Lets go"

The group looked at each other and quietly smiled. They took each others hands and were lovers on their walk to the tide's edge. As their grips loosened and their hands fell from each other they found themselves as strangers, yet strangers with impossible knowledge. They stripped from their clothes, leaving the denim, the cotton, the polyester to the creatures who made their home in the night. As Sane looked back one last time, the road they travelled down was no more, swallowed by the forest, swallowed by the darkness, swallowed by the found. The bronze beast was gone as well, its tracks leading to an absence. But that was of no concern. Nothing was of concern any longer.

They stepped out into the sea, leaving the beach behind them with their past. All that was left for them was to move forward, go farther into the ocean. And so they went.

As the sun disappeared behind the horizon, so did they. They were no longer to be seen, no longer to exist or not exist. They simply vanished on the other side of the edge, lost in the sea. Lost together.

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